We’re Knot So Different

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fall is here and with the turning of leaves, Fusion will be sponsoring a campus-wide art installation to promote unity through the allusion of strings. By identifying the similarities we share despite our differences, we aim to unite our student body. The project will concentrate on the uniqueness of each student while demonstrating the commonalities between all of us in a beautiful way. Whether your niche at Lehigh lies within athletics, Greek life, theater, engineering, music, politics, or design - as students, we nonetheless share one common characteristic, being a member of the Lehigh community. By taking your own string and weaving in and out of the display, Fusion’s goal is to both highlight student’s individual strengths while also opening our eyes to the entire student body.

The String Theory project will be taking place from November 2nd-4th at 11-5pm on the UC Front Lawn! Swing by on your walk home from class to make your mark on Lehigh while also meeting students you might have never crossed paths with. Our true passion for design as well as involvement in Lehigh community will be showcased as we invite you to join Fusion in making a difference. A member of Fusion, Hayden Hosto, 18', noted, “I am very excited we are reaching outside of our normal design work to influence the Lehigh community. I think this is a great opportunity to show Lehigh students that we’re “knot” so different.” Join us in grabbing a string and making an impact!